Home prices
Igiugig's median home value is $225,000. This is about $89,340 (65%) higher compared to its nearby areas.Compared to the entire nation it is roughly $7,500 (3%) higher, and is approximately $54,400 (31%) higher compared to the city of King Salmon.
The median monthly rent in Igiugig is $775. It is is very similar in comparison to its surrounding areas.Compared to the US as a whole it is approximately $287 (27%) lower, and it is approximately $433 (35%) lower in comparison to the city of King Salmon.
Nearby places
Kokhanok is approximately 34 miles east of Igiugig. Its real estate prices are a lot less expensive. The median home cost in Kokhanok is $75,000, which comes out to $150,000 (200%) lower than Igiugig. The rent there is a little less expensive. Kokhanok's median rent is $675 per month, which comes out to $100 (14%) lower than Igiugig.
Newhalen is about 35 miles northeast from Igiugig. The housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Newhalen is valued at $121,400, which comes out to $103,600 (85%) lower than Igiugig. The rent there is somewhat less expensive. Newhalen's median monthly rent is $713, which works out to $62 (8%) lower than Igiugig.
Naknek is about 39 miles southwest from Igiugig. Housing prices there are somewhat less expensive. The cost of the median home in Naknek is $213,100, which comes out to $11,900 (5%) lower than Igiugig. The rent there is a bit more expensive. The median rent in Naknek is $1,034 per month, which comes out to $259 (25%) higher than Igiugig.
Nondalton is roughly 42 miles northeast of Igiugig. Its real estate prices are substantially less expensive. The median home cost in Nondalton is $152,100, which works out to $72,900 (47%) lower than Igiugig. Its rents are similar. The median rent in Nondalton is $800 a month, which works out to $25 (3%) higher than Igiugig.
New Stuyahok
New Stuyahok is approximately 42 miles west from Igiugig. Its housing prices are a lot less expensive. The cost of the median home in New Stuyahok is $116,700, which works out to $108,300 (92%) lower than Igiugig. The rent there is somewhat less expensive. In New Stuyahok the median monthly rent is $625, which works out to $150 (24%) lower than Igiugig.