Home prices
The price of the median home in Hydaburg is $110,500. It is about $69,560 (38%) lower in comparison to nearby areas.Compared to the entire country it is about $107,000 (49%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Ketchikan is roughly $145,100 (56%) lower.
The median monthly rent in Hydaburg is $613. In comparison to its nearby areas this is roughly $165 (21%) lower.It is about $449 (42%) lower in comparison to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Ketchikan it is approximately $493 (44%) lower.
Nearby places
Craig is roughly 17 miles northwest from Hydaburg. Real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home in Craig is valued at $208,200, which is $97,700 (46%) higher than Hydaburg. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Craig the median monthly rent is $896, which comes out to $283 (31%) higher than Hydaburg.
Klawock is approximately 19 miles northwest from Hydaburg. The real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home price in Klawock is $167,000, which is $56,500 (33%) higher than Hydaburg. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. Klawock's median monthly rent is $738, which comes out to $125 (16%) higher than Hydaburg.
Thorne Bay
Thorne Bay is approximately 25 miles north of Hydaburg. Its housing prices are substantially more expensive. The median home in Thorne Bay is valued at $164,400, which comes out to $53,900 (32%) higher than Hydaburg. Its rents are a little more expensive. The median rent in Thorne Bay is $806 a month, which is $193 (23%) higher than Hydaburg.
Saxman is roughly 41 miles east of Hydaburg. Its real estate prices are a lot more expensive. The median home cost in Saxman is $205,600, which comes out to $95,100 (46%) higher than Hydaburg. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Saxman is $788 per month, which works out to $175 (22%) higher than Hydaburg.
Metlakatla is approximately 41 miles east of Hydaburg. Its real estate prices are a little more expensive. The price of the median home in Metlakatla is $155,100, which comes out to $44,600 (28%) higher than Hydaburg. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. In Metlakatla the median monthly rent is $663, which works out to $50 (7%) higher than Hydaburg.